Can You Get a Sore Throat From Anxiety And Stress?

For many, the first sign of getting sick is a mild sore throat that increases in intensity over time. This can be a symptom of a bacterial infection, such as a throat infection, or a virus like the flu, strep throat, or the common cold. However, many people suffer from chronic sore throat with no physiological illness as a cause. Sometimes, they visit numerous doctors trying to find a physical cause, spending a lot of time and money but not getting any answers. For some of these people, the answer may be psychological: sore throat from stress and anxiety

Stress Causes Physical Symptoms

Anxiety can actually be responsible for a lot of physical symptoms we experience. Anxiety symptoms can be responsible for severe gastrointestinal distress, with the most common example being Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a digestive disorder thought to be caused primarily by anxiety. Anxiety also affects the cardiovascular system; numerous people experiencing symptoms such as difficulty breathing, rapid heart rate, and chest pain often rush to the emergency room thinking they're having a heart attack, when in reality they're having a panic attack. And that brings us to the topic of this article: a sore throat caused by anxiety and stress. When physicians can't find a medical reason for the symptom, it's time to consider that anxiety and stress may be affecting your throat.

How Does Anxiety Cause a Sore Throat?

When the body experiences stress or anxiety, a cascade of physiological responses is set in motion. Rapid breathing and heightened muscle tension are among the immediate reactions, both of which can contribute to discomfort in the throat. This dynamic interplay between emotional response and physical reaction underscores the interdependent relationship between mind and body.


One stress-related condition due to anxiety, called dysphonia, is a common example of this interaction between emotion and physical response. In dysphonia, stress-induced tension affects the muscles controlling the voice box. This can result in symptoms like hoarseness, voice cracks, tight throat, and pain in the throat, particularly when speaking. Although this condition may seem like more of a minor nuisance, a sore throat may be debilitating for those who use their voice for their career, such as teachers and singers. 


Anxiety can lead to a condition known as dysphagia, a swallowing disorder. Recent studies highlight the significant role anxiety plays in the severity of dysphagia. A common manifestation of dysphagia involves people feeling anxiety and then noticing difficulty swallowing, which leads them to focus more intensely on swallowing. The problem with this pattern is that the more you focus on trying to swallow, the more difficult it can become. Because difficulty swallowing can be an early sign of neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's, people fear they have one of these serious diseases, increasing their anxiety and, thus, their dysphagia in a perpetual feedback loop. 

Globus Sensation

Additionally, anxiety can cause a globus sensation—a feeling of a lump in your throat without any physical presence, sometimes accompanied by a cough. While this condition is usually not painful, the sensation tends to worsen during periods of heightened stress, reflecting the relationship between emotional states and physical symptoms. Research suggests that up to 96 percent of individuals with this lump in the throat feeling report worsening symptoms during emotionally charged periods, further underscoring how anxiety can affect your throat and throat symptoms.

Understanding how anxiety causes and influences these conditions is crucial for individuals seeking to manage and alleviate the physical symptoms associated with stress-induced throat discomfort.

Identifying Anxiety-Related Sore Throat

Recognizing the telltale signs of an anxiety-related sore throat and differentiating them from physiological signs and symptoms is important to find a cure for the sore throat. Certain indicators can serve as valuable guideposts, signaling that the discomfort in the throat may be linked to heightened stress levels.

Common signs of an anxiety-related sore throat include tendencies such as mouth breathing and dry throat, a result of rapid and shallow breaths that often accompany anxious states. Hyperventilation, also known as rapid breathing, can also contribute to throat discomfort. Furthermore, heightened muscle tension, a frequent companion of anxiety, may manifest as a tight or constricted feeling in the throat. The best way to rule out a physiological cause is to monitor the symptoms over time. If the symptoms diminish or disappear as the anxiety dissipates, it is likely a sore throat caused by stress and anxiety. 

However, it's important to first consult a physician to check for a physical cause. Common signs of infection or other physical illness are often marked by swollen tonsils, nasal congestion, wet coughs, fever, body aches, and other distinct indicators of infections or allergies. Understanding these distinctions aids in accurate identification and targeted management of the root cause, guiding individuals toward appropriate avenues for relief. Learning to reduce stress and anxiety will be of no benefit to your throat if you're neglecting to treat a physical condition such as strep throat, which can be very dangerous if left untreated. 

Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reduce Anxiety and Sore Throat

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), universally considered the gold-standard treatment for symptoms of anxiety and stress, is the most research-supported psychological method to treat anxiety disorders. 

CBT for Calming Anxiety in the Moment

There are a number of quick CBT strategies that are easy to implement to immediately reduce anxiety. These include:

  1. Paced Breathing: Paced breathing, sometimes called "square breathing" or "relaxation breathing," is a quick way to immediately calm your body. Breathing exercises work by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of your nervous system that calms you down after you feel the fight-or-flight response. The great thing is that it only takes a few minutes to start working. Learn more about CBT Breathing Techniques for Anxiety.

  2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Progressive Muscle Relaxation is similar to paced breathing in that it uses the body's neurochemistry to calm down the central nervous system and stop the release of stress hormones. It works by tensing, then releasing each muscle, one-by one. First tensing a muscle allows for more fully being able to release the tension and relax, resulting in an overall sense of bodily calm. Learn more about Progressive Muscle Relaxation

  3. Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is an ancient meditation technique that psychologists have adapted to reduce stress and anxiety. The main feature of mindfulness is learning to get unhooked from worries and be grounded in the present moment. Here is a quick and easy mindfulness technique you can do any time: The Mindfulness STOP Skill.

  4. Distraction: There are lots of ways to temporarily distract from anxiety: go for a walk, play a video game, do a crossword. Whatever activity engages your mind disengages it from causes of stress and anxiety. Learn some helpful ways of distracting from worry here

Long-Term Solutions for Anxiety

While brief solutions may be helpful quick fixes in the moment, people with more persistent anxiety problems, such as generalized anxiety disorder, benefit more from brief cognitive-behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders. Below is a list of some of the more common components of this treatment. 

  1. Cognitive Restructuring: Cognitive Restructuring is a key component of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that addresses distorted thought patterns contributing to stress and anxiety disorders. By identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, individuals can reframe their perceptions of stressors, fostering a more balanced and realistic outlook. This technique empowers individuals to replace maladaptive thoughts with healthier alternatives, promoting resilience and reducing the emotional impact of stressors.

  2. Exposure Therapy: Exposure Therapy is a systematic and evidence-based approach to treating anxiety disorders by gradually exposing individuals to feared stimuli or situations. Through controlled and incremental exposure, individuals learn to confront and manage their anxieties, leading to desensitization over time. This therapeutic approach helps break the cycle of avoidance and fear, promoting a sense of mastery over previously anxiety-provoking situations and contributing to long-term anxiety reduction.

  3. Mindfulness-based Therapy: Mindfulness-based therapies, such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), cultivate present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance. By training individuals to focus on their breath, bodily sensations, and thoughts without attachment, mindfulness fosters a heightened sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation. This practice enables individuals to respond to stressors with clarity and resilience, reducing the overall impact of anxiety on mental well-being.

  4. Acceptance: Acceptance, as a component of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), encourages individuals to accept their emotions without judgment while committing to values-aligned actions. This approach teaches people that experiencing discomfort and anxiety is a natural part of life, and by embracing these feelings without resistance, they can create space for personal growth and a more fulfilling life. The less people are consumed by trying to control their anxiety, the more they’re able to engage in what matters, naturally reducing unhealthy levels of anxiety.

  5. Problem-Solving: Problem-solving therapy equips people with structured techniques to address and manage stressors effectively. By breaking down problems into manageable components, individuals learn to identify solutions and take practical steps toward resolution. This active and solution-focused approach empowers you to manage your anxiety to regain a sense of control over your life, reducing the impact of stressors and promoting adaptive coping strategies.

Get Help for Your Anxiety and Stress

If you're ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life, reach out to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles today.

Expert Psychologists: Our center is staffed with experienced psychologists who are experts in the field, with many also serving as esteemed educators at top universities in Los Angeles. 

Online CBT session using a laptop

Several Locations and Online: With several convenient locations throughout Los Angeles and the option for online therapy, our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive and accessible care.

Cutting-edge Treatment: At Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles, we exclusively offer the most cutting-edge, evidence-based psychological treatments, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care. Our commitment to utilizing the latest advancements in the field underscores our dedication to providing effective and scientifically validated therapeutic interventions.

Don't let anxiety or stress hold you back—empower yourself to overcome these challenges with the support and guidance of our skilled professionals. Take control of your mental well-being and contact Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles now. Your journey towards a more fulfilling and resilient life starts here.