Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety can take many forms, and as a result, there are several different classifications of anxiety disorders, each with its own specialized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety treatment approach. Overwhelming research shows that CBT is the most effective treatment for anxiety problems. Follow this link to a chart comparing the effectiveness of CBT to other treatments.

Anxiety Disorders

Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia:  Excessive anxiety and stress about negative evaluations from others. This can be a fear of public speaking, anxiety, discomfort in casual conversations or at social functions, or a general fear that others might be looking at you. Click for more information about social anxiety treatment and diagnosis.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):   Having recurring, intrusive thoughts that are anxiety-provoking or disturbing and hard to control. Though not technically an anxiety disorder, OCD is very similar to other anxiety disorders, and the treatment of OCD also mirrors that of anxiety disorders. OCD is sometimes accompanied by behaviors attempting to neutralize stressful thoughts, such as repeating behaviors, hoarding, and ritualistic behavior.  This is frequently confused with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, which is not an anxiety disorder but a personality disorder characterized by excessive perfectionism, conscientiousness, or need for control. Click for more information about  OCD Treatment and Diagnosis.

Panic Attacks:  Panic Attacks, which are sometimes referred to as anxiety attacks, are excessive anxiety responses that can include rapid heart rate, sweating, dizziness, hyperventilation, feelings of losing control, and other extreme manifestations of anxiety. Although panic attacks and anxiety attacks themselves are not harmful, people often develop excessive fears about panic symptoms (Panic Disorder), which can lead to problems such as avoidance of important responsibilities, anxiety about leaving the house (Agoraphobia), and increased panic attacks. Click for more information about Diagnosis and Treatment of Panic Disorder.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):  An anxiety reaction to a past trauma that involves frequent intrusive memories or flashbacks of the trauma, avoidance of things that remind the person of the trauma, and increased proneness to negative emotion. Click for more information on the Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD or for information about trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy

Phobia:  An excessive and irrational fear of specific things or places, triggering intense distress when in contact with the feared object. Click for more information about Treatment for Phobias.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder:  Persistent anxiety and worries about a number of different things that are difficult to control and lead to a generally elevated state of anxiety and stress much of the time. This can manifest as increased stress about work, relationships, money, and others' judgments. Click for more information on Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Diagnosis.

Cognitive Behavioral Treatments for Anxiety Disorders are generally very effective, with up to 70-80% of people experiencing a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms after 8 to 20 sessions.  Although CBT anxiety treatments vary by the specific problem, they usually contain some variation of the techniques below.


  • Re-evaluation and assessment of thinking: In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety, re-evaluation and assessment of thinking involve examining and challenging distorted thought patterns. Clients learn to identify negative or irrational thoughts, assess their accuracy, and replace them with more balanced and realistic alternatives. This intervention helps individuals gain a healthier perspective on situations, reducing anxiety stemming from irrational fears or catastrophic thinking.

  • Relaxation training: Relaxation training is a key component of CBT for anxiety. This intervention teaches individuals various techniques to manage physical and mental tension, promoting a sense of calmness. Methods may include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery. By incorporating relaxation into daily routines, individuals can reduce overall anxiety levels and enhance their ability to cope with stressors.

Buddha statue
  • Mindfulness techniques: Mindfulness techniques involve cultivating present-moment awareness without judgment. Through practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or body scans, individuals learn to observe their thoughts and feelings without becoming overwhelmed. Mindfulness helps break the cycle of anxious thoughts, promoting a more balanced and centered approach to daily challenges.

  • Insomnia treatment: Addressing sleep disturbances is crucial in anxiety-focused CBT. Insomnia treatment may include sleep hygiene education, establishing a consistent sleep routine, and addressing factors contributing to sleep difficulties. By improving sleep quality, individuals can experience a reduction in anxiety symptoms, as sleep and mental well-being are closely interconnected.

  • Exposure Therapy: Exposure therapy is a behavioral technique where individuals gradually confront feared situations or stimuli to reduce anxiety. By facing fears in a controlled and systematic manner, clients learn that the anticipated negative outcomes are unlikely, leading to a decrease in anxiety over time. Exposure therapy is particularly effective for phobias and specific anxiety triggers.

  • Acceptance training: Acceptance training in CBT involves acknowledging and accepting difficult thoughts and emotions without judgment. Clients learn that discomfort is a natural part of life and develop strategies to cope with challenging feelings. This approach fosters resilience and reduces anxiety by promoting a more accepting and adaptive mindset.

  • Problem-solving training: Problem-solving training equips individuals with structured approaches to address life challenges. Clients learn to identify problems, generate potential solutions, and evaluate their effectiveness. This intervention enhances coping skills, empowering individuals to manage stressors more effectively and reducing anxiety related to feeling overwhelmed by life's difficulties.

  • Other CBT interventions: CBT encompasses a range of additional interventions tailored to individual needs. These may include assertiveness training, social skills development, and cognitive restructuring. The therapist collaborates with the client to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses specific anxiety triggers and promotes lasting change in thought patterns and behaviors. The flexibility of CBT allows for a comprehensive and individualized approach to anxiety management.

Our Anxiety Treatment Center in Los Angeles 

Joyous man, arms outstretched, in nature

Welcome to our dedicated center for Anxiety Treatment in Los Angeles, where compassionate care meets expert guidance. At our outpatient anxiety treatment program, we recognize the profound impact that anxiety can have on your well-being, and our team of psychologists, all rooted in the vibrant community of Los Angeles, is here to provide the highest quality of care.

The Experts at our Anxiety Treatment Center

In the diverse landscape of Los Angeles, our therapists stand out among all of the therapy programs in Los Angeles. The therapists at CBT Los Angeles bring years of experience and a wealth of expertise in the field, with some serving as faculty at esteemed universities, including UCLA, the top-ranked clinical psychology program in the country. This commitment to excellence ensures that you receive specialized and compassionate care tailored to your unique needs, right here in the heart of Los Angeles. Having expert psychologists as therapists means feeling confident knowing they are employing the most up-to-date, evidence-based methods to treat anxiety.  

Holistic Anxiety Treatment Program

Beyond anxiety, our practice in Los Angeles addresses a variety of psychological concerns, reflecting the diverse experiences of individuals in this dynamic city. Our psychologists, deeply connected to the community in Los Angeles, are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized treatment that considers the whole spectrum of your well-being. Our therapists are able to offer treatment of co-occurring disorders,  such as depression, substance use, and ADHD, to name a few. Our Los Angeles anxiety treatment program offers both individual and group therapy, depending on your unique needs and preferences. We also provide psychiatry referrals for people interested in medication management in addition to psychotherapy. 

Tailored Treatment for Anxiety

Acknowledging the diverse needs of our clients in Los Angeles, we offer both in-person and online therapy treatment options. Whether you prefer face-to-face sessions at our convenient Los Angeles location or the flexibility of virtual sessions from the comfort of your home, our commitment to accessible and effective care is unwavering.

Welcoming New Clients for Treatment in Los Angeles

Embarking on the journey to seek support can be a significant step, particularly in a bustling city like Los Angeles. We want to assure you that we are currently accepting new clients, and our team in Los Angeles is ready to support you on your path to emotional well-being.

Specialized in CBT for Lasting Change

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is at the heart of our approach, aligning with evidence-based practices. We believe in the transformative power of CBT to equip individuals in Los Angeles with practical tools and strategies to navigate and overcome the challenges of anxiety. Our specialized focus on CBT ensures targeted and effective treatment in the diverse and vibrant city of Los Angeles.

Get Help Today

If you are seeking Anxiety Treatment in Los Angeles with a commitment to excellence and a compassionate approach, our team of dedicated psychologists is here for you. Take the first step toward a more balanced and tranquil life by contacting us today to schedule an appointment at Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles brings together an expert team of psychologists who have extensive training and experience in CBT for stress and anxiety in Los Angeles. For more information about cognitive therapy for anxiety, schedule your consultation by using the button below.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles brings together an expert team of psychologists who have extensive training and experience in CBT for stress and anxiety in Los Angeles. For more information about cognitive therapy for anxiety, schedule your consultation by using the button below.

Click for more detailed information about CBT for specific anxiety disorders:

Social Anxiety Treatment
OCD Treatment
Panic Disorder Treatment
PTSD Treatment
Phobia Treatment
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment

For more information: Los Angeles Times Article About CBT for Anxiety