Therapy For Children and Teens

Child Therapy and Adolescent Therapy

Our child and adolescent therapy services are designed to address the unique emotional and behavioral challenges faced by young people. Using evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques, we help children and teenagers develop healthy coping mechanisms, improve communication skills, and build resilience. Our goal is to create a supportive and safe environment where young clients can explore their feelings and learn effective strategies to navigate life's challenges.


Child Therapy for Different Problems


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can significantly impact a child's daily life. At Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles, we use Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), the gold-standard treatment for OCD. ERP helps children gradually face their fears and learn to resist the urge to perform compulsive behaviors. Our therapists guide children through carefully structured exposures, providing support and techniques to manage anxiety and reduce compulsions. Through ERP, we empower children to regain control and improve their quality of life.


Childhood and adolescent depression can manifest in various ways, including persistent sadness, irritability, and loss of interest in activities. Our therapists work with young clients to identify and change negative thought patterns, develop healthy habits, and improve their mood and overall well-being. We provide a compassionate space for children to express their feelings and find hope.

Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be particularly challenging for both children and their families. Our therapy focuses on helping children feel secure and confident when apart from their caregivers. We use gradual exposure techniques, coping strategies, and parental support to reduce anxiety and foster independence.


Phobias can limit a child's experiences and hinder their development. Our therapy for phobias involves gradual exposure to the feared object or situation in a controlled and supportive environment. We equip children with relaxation and coping techniques to manage their fear and gradually overcome it.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder can make social interactions and school activities daunting for children. Our therapists help children develop social skills, build confidence, and reduce anxiety through role-playing, exposure exercises, and cognitive restructuring. We aim to empower children to engage more comfortably in social settings.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in children often involves excessive worry about various aspects of life. Our therapy focuses on identifying the sources of anxiety, challenging irrational fears, and teaching relaxation and problem-solving skills. We help children develop a more balanced and less anxious approach to their daily lives.

Emotional Regulation

Learning to manage emotions is crucial for a child's development. Our therapy for emotional regulation teaches children how to recognize, understand, and cope with their emotions in healthy ways. We use mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, and other techniques to help children gain control over their emotional responses.

Selective Mutism

Selective mutism can be a complex and isolating condition for children. Our approach involves creating a supportive environment where children feel comfortable speaking. We use gradual exposure, positive reinforcement, and collaboration with parents and schools to encourage verbal communication and reduce anxiety.

Parent Coaching

Parent coaching is an integral part of our therapy services. We work with parents to provide them with effective strategies and tools to support their child's emotional and behavioral development. Our coaching sessions focus on enhancing parent-child relationships, managing challenging behaviors, and promoting positive parenting practices.

Behavior Problems

Behavior problems can disrupt a child's home and school life. Our therapy addresses the underlying causes of these behaviors and teaches children and parents effective techniques to improve behavior. We focus on positive reinforcement, clear communication, and setting consistent boundaries.

Excoriation Disorder/Skin Picking

Excoriation Disorder, or skin picking, can cause significant distress and physical harm. Our therapy helps children understand the triggers and patterns of their behavior, develop alternative coping strategies, and reduce the urge to pick. We use CBT techniques to promote healthier skin and self-esteem.

Trichotillomania/Hair Pulling

Trichotillomania, or hair pulling, is a challenging condition that affects many children. Our therapy focuses on identifying triggers, implementing behavior modification techniques, and providing emotional support. We help children develop healthier habits and improve their self-confidence.


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can impact a child's academic and social functioning. Our therapy includes behavioral strategies, organizational skills training, and emotional support to help children manage their symptoms. We work closely with families and schools to create a supportive environment for the child's success.

SPACE Intervention for Parents

The Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) intervention is a unique program designed to help parents support their children with anxiety disorders. Unlike traditional child-focused therapies, SPACE focuses on changing parent behaviors to reduce their child's symptoms. Through this intervention, we guide parents in understanding their child's anxiety, decreasing accommodating behaviors, and fostering a supportive environment that encourages their child's independence and resilience.

CBIT for Tic Disorder

The Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) is an evidence-based treatment for children with tic disorders, including Tourette Syndrome. CBIT involves teaching children to become aware of their tics and implement competing responses to reduce their frequency and severity. Our therapists work with children to develop these skills, provide education about tics, and offer support to manage the social and emotional impacts of tic disorders.

Coping Cat Program

The Coping Cat Program is a well-established cognitive-behavioral therapy program specifically designed for children with anxiety. This structured program helps children recognize and modify their anxious thoughts and behaviors. Through engaging activities, children learn to identify anxiety triggers, develop coping strategies, and build confidence in managing their anxiety. The Coping Cat Program is tailored to each child's needs, ensuring they receive the most effective support for their anxiety.

Reach Out Today

If you believe your child could benefit from our specialized therapy services, we encourage you to contact Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles. We are now accepting new clients and have convenient locations around the Los Angeles area and remote therapy options to fit your family's needs. Our team of licensed psychologists is dedicated to providing the highest level of care to support your child's emotional and behavioral development. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward your child's healthier, happier future.