CBT Therapists in Westwood

Unlock the Power of Evidence-Based Therapy for Lasting Change!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles is located at the intersection of Westwood and Brentwood, near Westwood Village and UCLA. If you are looking for a Westwood psychologist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles can help.

Why Choose CBT?

Two women engaging in CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the clinically proven alternative to traditional talk therapy. The subject of numerous scientific studies, CBT has been proven to be the most effective treatment for most psychological problems. Rather than focusing solely on the past, cognitive behavioral therapy targets present problems using the most up-to-date treatments psychological science has to offer. Not only has CBT been proven to be more effective than ordinary psychotherapy, but it is briefer, and its effects last longer than those of traditional talk therapy. 

Are you seeking effective, research-supported solutions to overcome emotional challenges and improve your mental well-being? Look no further – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles in Westwood is your trusted partner on the path to transformation.

Our Expert Therapists

At Westwood Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we take pride in our team of expert psychologists who are at the forefront of the field. Our dedicated professionals bring a wealth of experience, compassion, and deep knowledge to your therapy sessions. What sets us apart is that many of our therapists also serve as faculty members at top universities, ensuring that you receive the most up-to-date and cutting-edge treatments available.

How We Can Help You:

  • Depression: Find your way back to joy and fulfillment, one step at a time.

  • Anxiety: Break free from the grip of constant worry and rediscover tranquility.

  • Trauma: Heal the wounds of the past and regain control of your life.

  • Attention Problems: Enhance your focus and concentration to reach your full potential.

  • Relationships: Reconnect and rebuild healthy, thriving connections.

  • Addictions: Break the cycle and reclaim your life from substance or behavioral dependencies.

  • Unmet Goals: Develop strategies to achieve your dreams and aspirations.

  • Health Problems: Harness the power of resilience to face health-related challenges.

  • Anger: Gain control over your emotions and build healthier responses.

Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles in Westwood?

  • Proven Results: Our evidence-based approach ensures effective and lasting change.

  • World-Class Therapists: Work with top experts in the field, all of whom are psychologists.

  • Personalized Care: Tailored therapy to meet your unique needs.

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Your journey is our priority.

Ready to take the first step towards a happier, more fulfilling life? Contact Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles in Westwood to schedule your initial consultation. We are committed to providing you with the tools and support you need to regain control of your emotional well-being and transform your life.

Using an active treatment approach and self-help homework assignments, many people experience significant symptom improvement within the first three to six sessions. If you live in or near Westwood, click here to schedule an appointment today.