Behavioral Activation Therapy

There are many different theories on treating depression. Behavioral Activation is a CBT treatment for depression that helps people understand the environmental causes of their depression and targets behaviors that maintain or worsen the depression. Life events, including loss, trauma, biological predispositions to depression, and the day-to-day hassles of life, can result in people experiencing reduced positive reinforcement in their lives. People generally find ways of coping with these life events, but sometimes coping strategies that work in the short run can prove detrimental in the long run. For instance, coping with a depressed mood by withdrawing socially is a common response, but if sustained for an extended period of time, it limits the rewarding experiences that come with regular social interaction. In this way, the depression lasts much longer, resulting in decreased functioning and undue distress.

Behavioral activation targets the downward momentum of depression. When depression results in a lack of motivation,  behavioral activation works from the "outside-in" by helping the client schedule activities and using graded task assignments to help gradually begin to increase their opportunities for rewarding experiences. This results in a gradual improvement in mood, which is sustained by the increased motivation that results from improved mood.

Recent research on behavioral activation has shown it is as efficacious as antidepressant medication in the short term and more effective than medication in reducing the risk of relapse. Furthermore, with moderate to severe depression, behavioral activation has been shown to be more effective than traditional cognitive therapy. Behavioral activation has been shown to be effective in as few as 12 sessions, and most individuals see a significant reduction in depressive symptoms by 24 sessions. 

To discover more about behavioral activation therapy or to learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy in general, including what it is and what it can treat, use the navigation menu located at the top of this page. You can also learn more about our CBT exercises.

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